Die Hard Wiki

Dexter is the younger brother of Raymond and nephew of Zeus Carver. He is seven years old when the film takes place, four years younger than his brother.

Die Hard with a Vengeance[]

Dexter is first seen when he enters his Uncle, Zeus Carver's Repair Shop with his brother Raymond at 9:10 AM, to try and sell a boom box, which they claim was found in a dumpster. When Zeus questions them as to where they actually got it, he confesses that the boom box was actually stolen and a neighborhood thug named Bad Tony. Zeus tells them that they should stop skipping school and stop lying to protect others. At the end of the scene, they appear to be convinced and leave the shop. Later on they are concerned if they will be arrested for their activities when Connie Kowalski and Joe Lambert arrive at their school, Chester A. Arthur Elementary School.

Die Hard Characters
John McClane - Holly Gennero - Lucy McClane - John McClane, Jr. - Al Powell - Richard Thornburg
Die Hard Hans Gruber - Karl Vreski - Dwayne T. Robinson - Harry Ellis - Joe Takagi - Argyle - Ginny - Theo - Eddie - Heinrich - Alexander - Tony Vreski - Franco - Fritz - Marco - Uli - James - Kristoff - Harvey Johnson - Gail Wallens - Mitchell - Rivers - Special Agent Johnson - Agent Johnson
Die Hard 2 William Stuart - Ramon Esperanza - Major Grant - Carmine Lorenzo - Leslie Barnes - Ed Trudeau - Marvin - Samantha Coleman - Garber - Kahn - Oswald Cochrane - O'Reilly - Baker - Thompson - Burke - Miller - Sheldon - Shockley - Mulkey - Sherman - Albertson - Telford - Vito Lorenzo
Die Hard with a Vengeance Simon Gruber - Zeus Carver - Joe Lambert - Connie Kowalski - Walter Cobb - Ricky Walsh - Mathias Targo - Katya - Charles Weiss - Jane - Fred Schiller - Dexter - Raymond - Jerry Parks - Karl - Otto - Mischa - Nils - Klaus - Rolf
Live Free or Die Hard Matt Farrell - Thomas Gabriel - Mai Linh - Warlock - Miguel Bowman - Emerson - Trey - Russo - Rand - Del - Molina - Taylor - Raj
A Good Day to Die Hard Yuri Komarov - Irina Komarov - Viktor Chagarin - Alik - Mike Collins - Murphy