Die Hard Wiki

Dr. Fred Schiller is an NYPD departmental forensic psychologist who specializes in profiling terrorists. In the film he evaulates Simon Gruber and his grudge against John McClane.

Die Hard with a Vengeance[]

Dr. Schiller sees that Simon is a textbook megalomaniac and that he wants control over McClane. He says Simon wants to pound on McClane until he kills him. He also determines that the name Simon is probably not an alias and it's actually his real name with some variation. When Simon calls in, Schiller listens in on the call. After the call, Dr. Schiller finds that Simon spoke German, called it his Fort Knox and stammered when McClane pushed him during the conversation. He also says that Simon cannot be brought, which lets McClane, Inspector Walter Cobb and others know who they are dealing with.

Die Hard Characters
John McClane - Holly Gennero - Lucy McClane - John McClane, Jr. - Al Powell - Richard Thornburg
Die Hard Hans Gruber - Karl Vreski - Dwayne T. Robinson - Harry Ellis - Joe Takagi - Argyle - Ginny - Theo - Eddie - Heinrich - Alexander - Tony Vreski - Franco - Fritz - Marco - Uli - James - Kristoff - Harvey Johnson - Gail Wallens - Mitchell - Rivers - Special Agent Johnson - Agent Johnson
Die Hard 2 William Stuart - Ramon Esperanza - Major Grant - Carmine Lorenzo - Leslie Barnes - Ed Trudeau - Marvin - Samantha Coleman - Garber - Kahn - Oswald Cochrane - O'Reilly - Baker - Thompson - Burke - Miller - Sheldon - Shockley - Mulkey - Sherman - Albertson - Telford - Vito Lorenzo
Die Hard with a Vengeance Simon Gruber - Zeus Carver - Joe Lambert - Connie Kowalski - Walter Cobb - Ricky Walsh - Mathias Targo - Katya - Charles Weiss - Jane - Fred Schiller - Dexter - Raymond - Jerry Parks - Karl - Otto - Mischa - Nils - Klaus - Rolf
Live Free or Die Hard Matt Farrell - Thomas Gabriel - Mai Linh - Warlock - Miguel Bowman - Emerson - Trey - Russo - Rand - Del - Molina - Taylor - Raj
A Good Day to Die Hard Yuri Komarov - Irina Komarov - Viktor Chagarin - Alik - Mike Collins - Murphy